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Creation Of Electric Vehicle By Mechatronics
Research Group

About Mechatronics Research Group

Mechatronics Research Group is one of the over two hundred approved Research Groups in the University of Nigeria, Nsukka and one of the tenant companies at the LIon Science Park. The Research Group was formed in February, 2019 in response to a challenge posed to three Nigerian Universities towards local development, manufacture and commercialization of low cost, environmentally friendly and sustainable electric vehicles for campus shuttle and electric tractor for mechanization of small holder farmers.

About Electrical Vehicle (EV)

The idea of a pilot scheme of Electric Vehicle (EV) for campus shuttle in Nigerian Universities was initiated by the National Automotive Design and Development Council (NADDC) Abuja.In the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, the project was inspired and funded by the then Vice Chancellor, Prof. Benjamin C. Ozumba, and coordinated by Dr Ozoemena Ani. The Vice Chancellor aimed at demonstrating the capability of UNN to pioneer EV research and development, when he mandated the Mechatronics Research Group to immediately embark on the production of the electric car for campus shuttle within six weeks. Most of the materials and components were sourced locally from places like Nnewi and Onitsha. The team successfully completed the production of the five-seater electric vehicle within the set time period which was officially unveiled in the presence of the UNN administration, NADDC officials and the media on July 8, 2019 at the VC's conference room of the University of Nigeria and demonstrated around the area to the public. The Electric Vehicle was named after the Vice Chancellor as “Lion Ozumba 551”.

Snapshots Of Electric Vehicle