About Us

Our Vision & Our Mission

The goal is to make University of Nigeria a model example of university-based innovative initiatives to facilitate innovative research, creation of technology-based start-up enterprises and synergy among industry, academia and government with a view to creating a stronger national innovation system.

Be proactive in promoting creativity, innovation, invention and technology transfer for economic transformation and sustainable development.

About Us

Lion Science Park (LSP), University of Nigeria is the first University-based Science Park in continental Africa. it is planned to be one of the most attractive and creative environments for research and learning, knowledge exchange, innovations, inventions, technology for the future and buisness networking. It is a domain where the smart minds converge, interact and exchange ideas to develop new start-ups, improve existing buisnesses as well as contribute positively to the future for sustainable development.

It holds a unique triple helix research environment in which industry, government and academia collaborate closely in a shared ambition to drive innovation, creativity and buisness. LSP will operate according to plans, policies, programmes, practices and procedures that may vary from time to time due to Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) dynamics.

Our Offers


Meeting rooms and support.


Flexible buisness solutions for both big and small.


Cluster organizations and the best talent in NIgeria are here.


Adding a quality label to your brand.


Clients, partners, academic expertise.

Benefits of LSP

Being part of Lion Science Park means being part of a hot spot and a learning space. At Lion Science Park you will meet clients, partners and academic expertise in a vibrant environment where things happen - all the time.

To Companies

The major reason for a tenant to be in at Lion Science Park is the competences that may be found nearby. The lecturers, the students, researchers and the science projects at the University of Nigeria have a big impact in solving companies problems. More benefits to companies include: * Closer relation to the academic world. Bridging the gaps searching for new knowledge. * Access to experts in a wide ranging fields, Biotechnology, Nano Technology, Software development and ICT Solutions, Engineering Sciences, Oil and gas exploration, Food Sciences and Technology, Agriculture and Agricultural engineering, Pharmaceutical Technology, Management Sciences, Environmental studies, Social sciences, Easier recruitment processes for smart talented people. * Early insights into research that can lead to commercial opportunities * Facilitation of the creation and growth of innovation-research based companies through incubation and spin-off processes. *Business support and office services. * Possibilities to use open laboratory facilities and expanded networks (cluster organizations).

To Regions

The regional economy is of course a big winner as well in the creation of a successful science park. The science park becomes a catalysts for regional economic growth and stimulates growth and entrepreneurship through innovation which of course also creates jobs.

To Universities

The University becomes renowned when a science park is created and gets more focus from the government especially when research goes to practice and creates new commercial opportunities. A science park facilitates the university-industry links and accelerates the flow of intellectual property into the economy. Lion Science Park also offers students and PhDs training and employment possibilities.